About Me

Embarking on My Fitness Journey: A Personal Story

Before I started my corporate job, my life was all about partying, heavy drinking, and relying on medications. I was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and Tourette’s syndrome, and found myself at a crossroads. Growing up, I was athletic, but when I entered the corporate world, I gained 60 pounds and became very unhealthy, eventually weighing over 220 pounds. The corporate grind seemed like an escape, but it wasn’t the life I truly wanted. Fed up with the cycle of medications, I decided to take a leap into the unknown. I left the corporate world and moved to an isolated mountain location. This wasn't just about changing scenery; it was about transforming my life. In the quiet of the mountains, I learned to be self-reliant and independent. When I returned to South Florida, I had to deal with the aftermath of years of excess weight and obesity. I replaced medications with a newfound dedication to fitness and real food, which helped me lose 60 pounds and get down to 160 pounds. This change wasn’t just physical; it sparked a deep desire for knowledge. I went back to college with a GPA of 1.6, facing what seemed like impossible challenges. But I didn’t give up. My hard work led to my acceptance into the University of Central Florida’s Department of Health Professions and Sciences, focusing on Exercise Physiology & Human Performance. During this time, I had the opportunity to work with UCF Football under the Director of Sports Nutrition. Through this experience and my dedication, I was able to gain 40 pounds of muscle in a year and a half, preparing to try out for the football team at UCF. Graduating with a 3.74 GPA was a huge personal victory and showed me the power of resilience. During this time, I started Chaotic Training. It wasn't just a fitness business; it was a holistic approach to well-being. My diagnoses of ADHD, anxiety, depression, and Tourette’s became driving forces behind my specialized approach. Fitness became my medication, and education became my empowerment. Today, with over 5 years of experience, I stand as a fitness professional who understands the transformative power of movement and a healthy lifestyle. My journey was real and lived, not scripted. I help those facing neurodiverse challenges, low self-esteem, anxiety, or anyone new to fitness. Join me at Chaotic Training, where your unique journey is not just understood; it’s celebrated. Together, we’ll build a stronger, more resilient version of you, free from past constraints.